Extract from blog http://simplymusic.com/simply-music-teacher-elizabeth-gaikwad/
" I would have hated to be our neighbours, because from every window there was something musical coming out! "
"I taught piano, I taught oboe, I taught clarinet, I taught recorder, I basically did anything I possibly could to earn enough money to get myself over to England. Eventually I received an Australia Council Scholarship........"
"I love the idea of teaching from home...the discovery for me is finding how to communicate with them (my students) and how to connect with them so the learning process is as efficient as possible!"
"I've got an idea for a book that I think will be a great resource for teachers....."
"..the whole premises I think Simply Music is based on is that we are giving our students the basic tools to be able to have music as a companion in their lives in whatever form that takes.."